When Armen Adamjan's Creative Explained content bloomed into a massive following, he needed a way to turn videos into a business that could sustain him. Using Lulu Direct, Armen creates and sells books based on his videos directly to his fans.

Meet Armen

Since 2020, Armen's motto “don’t throw it out,” has fueled his enormous growth on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. His high-energy videos bring plant and gardening hacks to his legion of fans, leading to more than 3 billion views in only three years!

Turning Passion
Into Business

The books, Don't Throw It Out 1 & 2, expand on the video content Armen's fans love. Adding books to his content offering created an opportunity for Armen to earn money while giving his fans a new way to engage with his content.

Don't Throw 
It Out!

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When Armen Adamjan's Creative Explained content bloomed into a massive following, he needed a way to turn videos into a business that could sustain him. Using Lulu Direct, Armen creates and sells books based on his videos directly to his fans.

Creative Explained Uses
Print-On-Demand To Turn Video Content Into Profitable Books

Armen's journey is rooted in curiosity. Combining his love for videography and gardening, he built his Creative Explained audience by sharing the things he loves in a way that entertains and excites people.

Creative Explained Uses Print-On-Demand To Turn Video Content Into Profitable Books

Don't Throw It Out!

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